
I use Arch btw

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


I tried to get the ball rolling. I don’t get much out of this. This is just to get more users for Lemmy

We have territory given to us by the Fuck Spez Coalition. We just need more soldiers. Come help us spread the word of Lemmy!! Fuck Spez Coalition (Allies) https://discord.gg/sYrPDEJ7U8 Lemmy Coordination Chat https://matrix.to/#/!hiNoQZCxnHSsATzzmo:data.haus?via=matrix.org&via=data.haus&via=plus.st

I think it would be beneficial if we get Lemmy exposure on there. Sure their numbers might go up but some people will leave knowing how shit the platform is.

I use Aegis as well. I auto backup the files to my NAS at home

How did she find out? I would’ve kept it going

I was so confused because all my isos are of operating systems

“Every pile of nachos has one main chip that holds the whole thing together… the nucleus. You don’t take the nucleus, you work around it. You honor it.”

- King of Queens

I think Ubuntu has turned to garbage with whatever canonical is doing but I do think Linux Mint is pretty great

Good thing I don’t answer my phone unless I get a voicemail from the person

Ah ok. Yeah I thought that was just a section for installing it but with no configurations. Seems like a good article for newbies then.

I highly encourage you to update the article to have a section for binding network interface to the VPN. I didn’t do this and one day my vpn disconnected and it used me actual IP address and I got DMCA’d.


I use Bitwarden and recommended it to all my friends and family. It’s e2ee and you can have them on all your devices, it has autofill, password generators, and username generators. It’s pretty neat.

I also have some friends who use keepassxc. There are mobile clients out there for it as well but it’s meant as a completely offline password storage.

Yeah, are they intelligent? Idk there could be an alien plant out there, still an alien.

Windows has a bunch of warnings if you try to download a virus. It even deletes it so you can’t run it. On stock android, I’ve experienced that it will give you red flags if you try to download any .apk. There are also downright malicious apps in the official Play Store too so downloading the recommended way isn’t safe either. Can’t say too much about Window’s store but idk anybody who actually uses that but I bet there are a couple malicious apps in there also. However, I think Windows has more protections in place out of both of the platforms.

I’m sorry bro your virus.exe doesn’t run. Can you send virus.deb?

When iphones send sms to other iphones it’s a blue bubble. When iphones send to androids, it’s a green bubble. When Android users send sms, they can make it pink if they want.

I convert all my friends to switch to Signal. If they like blue, then let’s go there. E2EE and easy to use

Just reminded me to join the monty python communities here.

Edit: apparently we don’t have a monty python community here

  • I’m under 30 (Under 20 too) X
  • Tech enthusiast/comp sci student ✔️
  • Linux User ✔️

Thanks for explaining. I kind of got that some professor was beating a Nazi but couldn’t find a punchline or something to it. So it was just as straightforward as I initially thought. I didn’t know about Indiana Jones and the whole backstory behind this scene though.

Thanks for an actual answer. I’ve never seen Indiana Jones and so I was a bit confused. I kind of implied that calling the Nazi a Trump supporter insinuated that they both go hand in hand. Though, I thought there would be a funnier meaning out of this meme. Thanks for taking your time to explain this to me.

No I’m genuinely confused. You guys posted this in a meme sub. I feel like I’m missing additional context

Was this an actual event that happened? We see a guy beating a Nazi up. Is that it? Is there something else I’m missing?

I don’t get it. Where the funny?

You bunch of degenerates. I didn’t know nsfw stuff was that popular. I thought a bunch of those were just horny guys and onlyfans accounts

I will trash on online players and tea bag in CSGO but I am very respectful to NPCs

I’ve been using my Android for a few years and haven’t found the need for paid apps. For apps like xmanager and xtra you can find them online. Maybe try the FOSS alternatives before you download a sketchy paidapp.apk

What’s the name of this show? I feel like I’ve seen it before but forgot the name