• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


And your solution is to start a community without contributing to it?

Seriously? Have you missed the memes that Chrome will eat your memory? They were everywhere for a while.

Nice! I have tons to post about, I’ve also planned to create something like this.

Joined! Linguistics has been a (lately slightly neglected) passion of mine for quite a while!

Yeah, there are more (I list all I could find in the sidebar of my community), but none specific to DALL-E. There’s for example Stable Diffusion community and there are even some Midjourney ones (though not very popular), so I made one for DALL-E to complete the big 3.

There are already communities for other AI image models, but none for DALL·E so far, so I've created one. - Link 1: [DALL·E 3](/c/[email protected]) - Link 2: [email protected] - Link 3: https://lemmyverse.link/c/[email protected]

I’m a simple man, I see Russian domain, I block.

You can put in the post as well, just don’t surround it with backticks.

Spreading out communities over all of Lemmy is the federation, putting everything on one instance is not. You got it backwards.

I used this bot to get some subscriptions on my instance: https://github.com/lflare/lemmy-subscriber-bot

Yeah, can’t wait for the first “Fucking guy” of the new season!

Links: - [What We Do In The Shadows](/c/[email protected]) - [email protected] So, I haven't found a community about the show, so I decided to create one! Feel free to join and discuss.

I have one for OpenVPN and that’s it.

I personally use Imgur, though I’m sure there are better alternatives, I just haven’t had time to look at it. But imgur works, you just copy the direct link to image in the URL field in Lemmy and the image shows.

Try using external services for pictures. That’s pretty much it, no need to limit yourself. You can leave it open casually as well. Some instances accept donations if you want to support them.

In the Steam Linux client, there was this line: rm -rf "$STEAMROOT/"*.

If the variable $STEAMROOT isn’t defined (or is an empty string), it basically runs rm -rf "/"*, which means delete all subfolders of /.

Security 101: Never blindly run shell scripts from a random comment on the internet.

I usually use a .env.example file which contains all non-secret variables filled and all secret variables defined with no value.

The secrets are stored in the secret store of GitHub/GitLab (depending on what I’m using). During deploy the .env.example file is copied to .env and all the secret variables are written into the file (which itself is in .gitignore to avoid accidentally committing the local version on my machine).

It’s actually interesting, I’ve never seen something so popular ruined so quickly. For a while you heard about GoT everywhere and then those two fucks destroyed it so much that no one even wants to rewatch it.

mkv files can’t have viruses

That’s not true. Though it’s harder to do than your standard virus-in-an-exe.

which they store, on their likely poorly secured servers

That most likely isn’t true, these sites don’t store your credit card info, they leave it to the payment processors precisely because they don’t want to deal with securing the data.

Yep, that’s exactly what happened… Let’s pretend that you didn’t notice, shall we? 😆

Not yet, but it will be (I’m currently rewriting it, the next version will be there). Do you want me to let you know when it’s there?

Replying to only the top-level post for Mastodon makes sense to me, thanks for the suggestion!

Edit: I temporarily disabled replies to Mastodon posts until I can think of a better solution.

The user may tag multiple communities, I tried to not phrase as a correction but more like “here’s a link for Lemmy users”.

Yes, I know about that and I think it’s working as intended, only the message sucks. I already changed it today, but now that I’m looking at it again, it still sucks :/

Do you have any idea for a better message? There are two messages currently, one for Lemmy users and one for non-Lemmy users:

  • Lemmy users message: Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this:
  • Non-Lemmy users message: Hi there! The links in your text lead away from the user’s instance, here are fixed links that stay on each user’s instance:

Yet I feel like there’s a point where the annoyance overshadows the benefits.

The bot is generally liked, it has much more upvotes than downvotes, so that sounds like a you problem.

I think it’s better not to accept bots at all.

That’s your opinion. But clearly the creators of Lemmy itself think bots should be accepted, otherwise they wouldn’t add a flag to mark user as a bot. And in your settings you can even disable seeing any bots, which sounds like the perfect solution for you.

But the argument feels a bit hollow when you plan on blocking Threads.

That’s whataboutism. That’s an entirely different issue than you disliking bots.

why shouldn’t others block your 40?

Because that’s not how federation should work. Sure, block the instance all you want, but you’re actively going against the spirit of Fediverse, especially when you have many other tools to solve it differently.

If you block it, it won’t reply to you. If you ban it on instance level, it will be blocked on all federated instances on all communities. If you defederate, you will block real people on the instance the bot is on.

Yeah, banning them on instance level or defederating seems like the worst idea. Blocking them on individual / community level is the way to go.

An official support forum for Baby Journal, an activity tracker for babies (like feeding, sleeping, diaper changes etc.) built with privacy in mind. Links: - [Baby Journal support forum](/c/[email protected]) - [email protected]

Yep, feel free to offer suggestion for improvement (or link to false positives, so I can fix that)!

Why pirating? Most of the stuff is open source. For images use Stable Diffusion and download models for example from civitai.com. Don’t know what to use for chat, I’m using GPT.

I created a php client for Lemmy and a ChatGPT bot for Lemmy
The php client will help with creating bots and/or mod tools. ChatGPT bot can reply to your comment. PHP client: https://packagist.org/packages/rikudou/lemmy-api To communicate with the bot, just mention it: [@[email protected]](/u/[email protected])