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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


Wait, everyone doesn’t do that?

I always forget that cursive isn’t really a thing any more until something with cursive gets posted online.

Best one:

hexbear.net is the place for people like me

Tells you everything you need to know.

Yeah, I do the hyperfixation thing but don’t have ADHD (I assume, since I can’t focus on more than one thing at a time).

From the very beginning the show has been progressive in social issues!

Absolutely. I have to conclude that these “fans” never actually got the message of the show from the beginning. Is there plenty to criticize Nutrek for in comparison to the older shows? Certainly. But being “woke” isn’t one of them.

Yup, I actually remembered those comments from when I was on that thread the other day. Didn’t pay attention to the username, of course, so I didn’t know he was OP until it was pointed out here. These toxic Star Trek “fans” are so annoying. I don’t like Discovery, either, but it has nothing to do with the cast and everything to do with the writing.

Oh, so it’s just another “I got banned for being an asshole so I’m making my own community with blackjack and hookers!” situation.

And I was just quoting a Simpsons episode.

The dead ribs also have the bag (skin) removed.

30s is ancient in JRPGs. The main characters are usually teenagers.

Yes, of money.

“Homer Simpson says, ‘Do’h’, not ‘B’oh!’”

It’s like if you see a random post with any kind of person in it, then proceed to explain why you would or would not fuck them. Completely unnecessary.

You’re not being told how to think, you’re being shown the door.

Random person: exists

Assholes: Everyone needs to know whether I would fuck this person or not!

“Why would you eat me when I make you shit fire??”

Humans: Haha painfully burning mouth go brrrrr

This would be why people like to follow guides for life. There are a lot of bad ones out there, though!

It was more of a philosophy than a plan.

“Hell, just leave us alone and we’ll start sprouting!”

You’re correct, but the word has been rendered pretty much useless through misuse and now means “anything funny shared online.”

Good luck breaking the little bones in their ears that way.

Memmy didn’t copy the link correctly - the apostrophe is tripping it up. Search “V’ger” on Memory Alpha.

Oh, boy, that means we get to make our own!

Yes. If I don’t think it’s worth paying the price they’re asking, I will download and play it for free. It if were not available to download for free, I would simply not play it. They lose nothing either way.

If I would have paid for it, but downloaded it for free simply because I could, you’re correct they would be losing profits. But that’s not always the case as you seem to be claiming.

Some of those that work forces

Eat potato salad with raisins

And without imaginary money we’d still be trading cows and chickens for things.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”