Edited to clarify that I’m not calling Heaxbears “homeless.”
The schadenfreude on Lemmy for Hexbear is somewhat disturbing to me. So you didn’t like them. They are still people. Stop cheering things going badly for them. Do you laugh at homeless people, starving people, someone who falls down and gets injured?
Their users wanted to defederate right away when they saw the rest of Lemmy. The people in charge (able to pull the switch) kept telling them to hold on and it’d get better. A small number of people made the decision for all of them. It’s all the rest for whom I genuinely feel bad. Their community was highjacked and, I think to them, attacked. I can have empathy for the average users.
I don’t think I am adhd, but I am neurodivergent (bipolar). I had a minor manic period for three or four weeks and am currently in a mild depression. I bought all these books and some computer equipment to further my pursuit of computer security work but now I’m just spinning my wheels and watching endless content online. It sucks but things could be a hell of a lot worse, so there’s that.
I hope you find something engaging and turn the corner. At least you’re interested in finding a change.
I was listening to a podcast (by three software devs) just yesterday talking about algorithmic sorting on Threads vs chronological sorting on Mastodon. Nerds, it seems (of which I am one), prefer chronological sorting. This is because they have a community of people that they follow (I’m not using Mastodon, Threads, never used Twitter). They self-select for high-quality content. Normies, they theorized, don’t have a specific group of people to follow, thus they need an algorithm to show quality content from celebs and such.
I’m curious how you self-identify and how many specific people you deliberately follow?
Bah. Peasants. I use my Automatic Computing Engine. Works great.
I listen to podcasts that talk about conspiratorial thinking and they tend to lean on compassion for the person who is lost. I don’t think that you can brow-beat someone into not believing this crap, but maybe you can reach across and persuade them over a lot of time. Here are two that might be useful (the first is on this topic specifically, the second is broader):
https://youarenotsosmart.com/transcript-qanon-and-conspiratorial-narratives/ https://www.qanonanonymous.com
I wish you luck and all the best. This stuff is awful.
Can you fill in the backstory? I missed this incident or possibly multiple incidents.