Yeah, I don’t see why #2 is necessary. Make the government have to compete with the free market. If you’re poor, you get a government-funded apartment, but if you’re wealthy, you can afford a luxury condo.
There are food banks in my city, and nobody believes that they’re a threat and they’re going to put supermarkets out of business. You could just have standardized, ubiquitous food banks run by the government.
When Nintendo started Virtual Console, I was really impressed, because instead of fighting emulation, they embraced it and made money off of it. All of these old games were just potential profit that they were sitting on. On top of that, they even managed to get games from non-Nintendo consoles onto VC!
Then, they discontinued it, and I’m sitting here, scratching my head and trying to figure out why. Nintendo is a strange company. They have an undeniably awesome product and very talented and creative developers, but also pretty bone-headed management.
Most people’s values and beliefs are all wrapped up with their sense of self, so if those beliefs get attacked, they feel like they’re being attacked.
Avoiding this is very tricky and counter-intuitive, but there are techniques. Look up “street epistemology” if you’d like to know more. There’s a guy on YouTube who goes to college campuses and has discussions with passersby regarding their beliefs. Basically, it’s asking people “What do you believe?” and “Why do you believe that?” Like I said, though, it’s tricky and takes a lot of practice, and it’s really easy to fall back into old patterns again.
Humans are moral agents, though. Just because something happens in nature, that doesn’t make it okay. There are lots of examples of rape among wild animals, but that doesn’t make it okay for humans to do it.
A lot of vegans are concerned about climate change, too, but it’s really tangential to the philosophy. Veganism came out of the animal rights movement, so it’s really concerned with exploitation and suffering. If there were no environmental issues with animal products, vegans would still be vegans.
Here’s a good video on why vegans don’t eat honey. Beekeeping is really just another form of factory farming.
He developed the game on company time. If he’d lived in a capitalist country, the government wouldn’t have taken control of Tetris, but the company would have. Every software company contract I’ve ever heard of has a clause that says the company owns any code you produce while working there.