Spiritual But Not Religious | Eclectic Spirituality

Humanity needs a solarpunk, democratic, socialist and spiritual utopia to be the best it can be and thrive

Migrated from reddit with the same username

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 21, 2023


People should really familiarise themselves with their microwaves instruction manual because using a microwave isn’t just putting something in the microwave and punching in some random amount of time

You need to use power levels with certain foods to avoid over cooking or under cooking them

I was going to say drinks or soda’s instead of burgers but that made me really fucking uncomfortable writing that because of the similarity to something else so I put burgers there instead

Just slip in some estrogen into their burgers

No I’m saying that athiests also typically post these kinds of memes typically the athiest Community on reddit and the side of the athiest Community that attacks, mocks argues in bad faith and enact online witch-hunts

And just to make it clear I’m not athiest and I do not support religons

The athiest Community particularly on reddit liked to frame things negatively and mock and attack people through generalisations

This image shares that and that’s what I noticed and decided to make my comment on that

I probably should have mentioned in my previous comment that I noticed the similarities

These topics mentioned in the image have no reason to be framed in a negative light because they are not inherently negative

Anyone can use them for any intention, good or bad

And some of them can be used in discussion about scientific topics

I’ve noticed that athiests claim they support science but they still mock and attack anyone using science to constructively criticise them or scientific claims they support

Science needs to have criticism, praise and discussion from all sides, not just one

Turned this into a list without OP’s negative framing on them If people genuinely want to look it up later without a negative framing

Because I see no reason to frame them negatively like op has done as these topics are not inherently negative unlike OP’s negative bias of them

And bigots using them doesn’t make them Inherently negative either

  • Correlation does not equal causation
  • Language shapes thought
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Stanford prison experiment
  • Iambic pentameter
  • Schrodinger’s cat
  • Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
  • Biblically accurate angels
  • What if we live in a simulation ?
  • Video essay
  • Nuance
  • Plato’s cave
  • Infographics
  • Linguistic prescriptivism

Edit: unnoticed typo

Yeah I’ve noticed an uptick in atheists on lemmy recently, I don’t support religon at all because of dogma but I also will never support atheism either

Realisticly in universe it makes sense if the dealer if actually that size relative to the enterprise

Though if the dealer if normal human size they’d just bounce off the hull of the enterprise or its shielding if the shields are up

Or you could just do the first step in this and turn them into preschooler drawing of a house windows

That’s because the nazi’s co-opted the symbol which was a symbol of peace

This is likely due to the outrage machineainly perpetuated by the right wing parties used as a tactic to manipulate their target audiences emotion to change the playing board in their favour

If you want to crack the simulation break away from society and live a life of solitude away from societies influence

Capitalism is a prison that has turned people into nameless parts of an exploitative machine that produces lavish lives for the rich elite that gaslight the same people they exploit

Who else hasn’t felt their phone in their pocket only to realise you are holding it

Yes I have occasionally looked for my phone with my phones flashlight

Yeah I wouldnt be surprised if spez is bolstering subscriber numbers for larger subs with bot accounts

I feel sorry for that child and also the parents are stupid as fuck because if that paint contains anything toxic becsuse tue baby only needs a smaller dose of anything toxic to do the sane amount of harm as a dose for an adult would

Oh the things I could list about america

Kids in my primary school where talking about this, it’s not exclusive to the 90’s

Captions appear when speech is detected

Unfortunately there’s no community like that on lemmy yet

Yes “freedom” where your free to do what ever the repukes say you’re free to do

I’m so glad I don’t live I’m america

Is that the spingebob intermission card font

In the fight against one evil should we really join another evil to do that

My highschool never bothered replacing broken toilet door locks so if you where unlucky to get a stall with a broken lock you had to sit on the toilet and use your feet to hold the door shut

Open ports open you up to being an easy target to attack

It’s best to just have one open port for VPN and security harden that port along with port 80, and port 443 that are required for internet

This is the first meme that I’ve seen on lemmy that I did not enjoy

Well hey atleast your mentioning your using metric unlike americans who conveniently forget the rest of the world exists

Not everyone outside of america uses fahrenheit america

Edit: It’s important to mention what your using americans because it screws up recipes if people don’t know what tempreture your using and it could be the difference between cold and hot and how you vs others interpret it

Might want to edit your post title

You can do that here on lemmy

Doesn’t mean the culture of a site is invulnerable to manipulation from the social media company itself and outside actors

I legitimately want to know what show this is

Upvoted because it’s criticising the un-united shithole of america with satire and also because people need to be made aware of the history of america that conservatives want to hide from you

We’re all technically not virgins but we all have technically committed incest because we where born unless you where born through c section /j

And i literally don’t know how the fucked up part of my mind thought of that cursed comment

Yes unfortunately but lemmy is still growing

I’m going to link my comment because I don’t want to rewrite it for everyone I reply to where it is relevant


Fyi rice is high in calories so you should have a small amount of it with food