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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 19, 2023


“Yeah, his fingerprints were all over the murder weapon, he was seen by three witnesses, and had 8 motives, but he’s never identified as guilty.”

Also, anytime someone is “genuinely curious”, I press X to doubt.

The users at lemmy.world basically already drove the mods in that community to suggest vegan communities on other instances to basically not have to put up with the rest of lemmy.world. It’s a dead community walking and the whole ordeal convinced me to block .world. I’ve seen less content, but damn has my experience on Lemmy gotten a whole lot better.

Meds. Tried a bunch before I found what worked for me. Stimulant side effects and efficacy and availability lessened over time. Straterra did not work for me. Guanfacine is going well.

On average, there would be slightly less than two extra hands per person added.

Do not try to become her manager or parent or psychologist or coach. It will negatively impact your relationship.

https://www.getinflow.io/post/adhd-authority-issues-defiance for some ideas on why.

If you have a problem with how she is behaving, you will not be able to change it through external influence. If she really has ADHD (emphasis on disorder where it is negatively and significantly impacting her life AND is diagnosed) and is unmedicated, the single best thing she can do is get medicated, and that’s her choice. If medication isn’t working, she should talk with her provider about it.

If she requests help, feel free to provide it. Feel free to ask her (and not internet strangers) if there’s something you can do to help her as she’ll know what works and what doesn’t as ADHD isn’t a monolithic diagnosis and what works for one person might drive another up the wall.

Sorry if this seems a bit negative, but I was in school when all the Where There’s a Will There’s an A and all the techniques in the world did not make a difference to people that can’t utilize them, but they can frustrate and shame people.

Yes. But part of that for me is greater expectations on adults and lots of stress. Burnout will suck all the enjoyment out of everything. Depression will, too. Medication may help. Might be worth looking into.

Yep, they seem to have gone away. Currently trying Wellbutrin. Too early to tell if it’s working, though.

Sexual side effects included some ED but the main one I noticed was separation of orgasm and ejaculation. Ejaculation came first then orgasm maybe 20 or 30 seconds more of stimulation after. And that was a problem for penetrative sex because part of me wanted to be in a refractory period and the other part wanted to continue to have an orgasm.

  1. take it every day

  2. more executive function overall. I wasn’t exhausted after a day’s work.

  3. sexual side effects, anxiety, high blood pressure, blurry vision

  4. once onboarding was over, it worked better for me than simulants because there was no ramp up in the morning and no crash in the afternoon or evening.

I stopped taking it because once the starting side effects (nightmares, even worse anxiety, even worse sexual side effects) started to wear off, so did the efficacy.

I’ve got a waterproof phone, so I watch videos. The only downside is sometimes it takes a bit to find one I’m interested in.

I don’t really do scents, but if you find one you like and get products you enjoy the scent of, that could add a bit of stimulation, too.

Bullshit and if it is or if it isn’t.

Vyvanse gets metabolized into dexedrine, so when I was on Vyvanse I used dex as my top up for the evening to keep things consistent.

Having tried a bunch of meds, I definitely preferred dexedrine over mixed (aka Adderall). I found there was less irritability.

I do physical kanban and take the wet erase magnets that have the tasks written on them when I do the task. No more “why did I come into this room?”

Depending on size of the pill and need for discretion, there are earplug cases that have a main compartment and a smaller one for spare parts. But nothing beats a real keychain pillcase if they’re large or you need to keep multiple sets.

Identify the upside? Please give this a watch and reevaluate recommending a book claiming there are positives to ADHD. It is an expert, Dr Russell Barkley, whose career has been spent studying ADHD. https://youtu.be/26V6LCbKXJU?si=wPsq7S4iulu-cDQj

Dopamine detox is pseudoscience and the first suggestion of the article. Pass.

The context only takes 2 hours to get through https://youtu.be/0twDETh6QaI

This is just my experience as an adult with little music background. I tried guitar and it was not beginner friendly for a few reasons:

Notes appear multiple places on the fretboard, which means chords have tons of forms. This leads into my next point of knowing what to play and where to play it.

For reading music (I know you say just read tabs but tabs have their own issues) there are several notation systems that all get crammed together to make sight reading extra difficult. For any given note, in addition to the pitch and duration from the standard musical notation, there may be instructions for which string to fret, which finger on the right hand to use, and which position to be in (how far down the fretboard your where hand is).

Bar chords. I really hit a wall with these and the awful contortions expected of me to produce these.

Counterpoint or music in two parts. Having trouble remembering where a note is as a beginner or keeping rhythm? How about we add a few more than will be fretted differently depending on what comes before or after and that have a different duration? Now move only some of your fingers so you can let one line ring out while playing together from the other line.

You may say that these aren’t beginner topics, but they’re all covered in the first book I ever learned from that started with how to hold a guitar and notes in the first position.