Yeah, I know. Almost all other countries do though. I just don’t appreciate the fact that Android and iOS are not equal when it comes to messaging in US. It almost makes me think I’d have to buy an iPhone alongside my Android to have a good experience there. And that’s just dumb. But tbh I’m not thrilled about moving to US anyway and will hopefully never face that issue unless I go there for a master’s degree lol
What? It’s absolutely enormous in many countries, don’t be delusional. It’s by far the most used messaging app in India, and it’s not even slightly close. From different posts I’ve seen over the years, it seems like a lot of other countries use WhatsApp as their primary messaging app as well. I personally prefer Telegram’s features, but it’s not much of a choice here because everyone just uses WhatsApp.
That’s fair. I’ll be honest when I say that I’m ok with sacrificing some privacy for convenience. Many people on this platform wouldn’t agree with that. Not using WhatsApp in my country basically isn’t an option unless you just want to be a loner that doesn’t contact anyone, and I’m not the type to call people all the time.
The thing is the interaction between Apple and Android phones is shit through SMS, and that’s entirely Apple’s fault. I’m pretty sure everyone would be more happy using an app that works for everyone. If you take India for example, almost everyone uses WhatsApp. There’s just straight up no concept of not having WhatsApp. It works the same for both operating systems. So the myth that it’ll be difficult to unite with one app isn’t really true. I don’t like Meta any more than the next person, but the messages are end to end encrypted and lets iPhones and Androids communicate as equals. I’ll definitely take that over one group having a superior experience and the other having a subpar one. I doubt you can really refute that, as there isn’t really another solution due to Apple’s pigheadedness. Sure, you could use Signal to not use a Meta app. But SMS with an uncooperative giant company isn’t the way.
Not only that. There are plenty of iphones, but America is the one that uses SMS. Most countries use other apps, such as WhatsApp, Telegram and maybe stuff like Facebook Messenger (I mostly use WhatsApp and Telegram). I’ve never texted anyone using SMS except just to see if it works lol. But people in America primarily use SMS.
Huh? Do you have reading comprehension issues? I very very clearly stated I’m pro-choice. I absolutely don’t support people who are anti-abortion. To get it through your thick head: I don’t support someone who takes away a person’s control over their own bodies, religious or not. I just don’t assume every religious person is pro-life and hate them for it. You’re a fucking moron.
Ok sure, but who hurt you lol. I’m just as culpable for doing what exactly? I’m pro-choice and not religious. I just don’t hate other people for being religious. To be clear, I don’t support other people being anti-abortion as a part of their religion. Just in case that wasn’t clear. There are some religious people that just do it for their own happiness and don’t harm other people. They’re not all the same.
All Christians are disgusting? Or all people who don’t support abortions? (If it matters, I am neither religious nor pro-life) but I don’t have anything against people just practicing a religion. As long as it’s not damaging other people ofc.
But I feel like someone hurt you for you to be so damn angry about religion.
Also I have one question. I’ve always done reasonably well on exams by cramming on the last day (more like last night) when the pressure is extreme. That doesn’t take away from the fact that I could have it right? Like I’m good at cramming something under pressure and vomiting it out the next day, but am also awful at something that would require regular periodic studying.
It’s because even children can be scarily good at specific things. I have a cousin (she’s a child) and has a YouTube channel, knows her way around content creation to a basic extent but absolutely can’t print a document or use MS Word. She was good at using phones when she was a toddler. So she got really good at the things she cared about and didn’t bother with the rest. The older generation didn’t have stuff like this to begin with, so of course they would take longer to learn stuff than a person who lives with it and around it from the time they were born.
Thank you so much!