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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Why do you even need an app? A paper calendar should suffice. Seriously, what function does an app do?

> A fix I made for Gratuitous Space Battles crashing,

Are you the guy who made this game? I bought the first GSB and liked it.

Browse by New. Bam! Problem solved! Stop being slaves of the Algo. Actively search for stuff you like while also actively block those you don’t like.

Open source people have a history of…questionable naming schemes (looking at you, GIMP). We should backronym Lemmy to something more normie. I’ll start:

Lightweight Electronic Mutual Milieu technologY

Dude. The person running it already gave a long post about their stance on this matter. Chill out and don’t jump the gun. They are volunteers, not corpos.

Dude. 4chan exists and continues to exist. This fact alone should allay your fears.

The reason is to reverse-gaslight Americans into thinking that the thing they saw were ALIYUMS and not ultrasecret 7th gen AI-piloted fighters.

Sort by New. There’s all sorts of weird stuff popping up like mushrooms after the rain.

I believe that it is not, since scientifically it is an animal. However, some vegetarians (not vegans) will eat fish or certain animal products.

Counterpoint: I registered early with one of those no-email instances but could not log in due to it being overwhelmed. I gave up and registered with .world. I suspect a large number of early adopters are in the same situation.

Will you drink a can of Coke™ lying around a stranger’s house without asking? No? Then, ask for permission as a matter of etiquette unless there are signs specifically saying it is ok to use them.

In 12 years, selfhosting will be so cheap and one-push-button easy that everyone will have their own instance and federated with each other. It will be called Neo-Geocities 2.0.

Your mum is 70. As far as you’re concerned, you’re her Guardian now. Block that shit and put old NatGeo specials on repeat. “Old” because the current NatGeo is shitty Yank Trucker Alien Tuna Trash. You must treat her like a child who needs guidance and fresh air. Limit the tv and internet to 3 hours a day. Make her spend daytime hours socializing irl with pensioners club etc.

What. Utter. Bullshit. Next you gonna tell people to post “Please do the needful”?

The Jihad was originally a philosophical/religious revolt by Humanity to abandon all AI but Herbert’s son made it into a trash Terminator-knock off.