
(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas!


Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

  • 3 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2020


Used to have a really nice commuter rail that connected to the city, now there’s a six-lane highway that clogs up twice a day.

It’s also a proprietary standard that needs to be licensed. They’ve basically handed the USB organization a complete monopoly over smartphones. I know there is no suitable open source option that can replace USB but it’s still far from ideal. Maybe for the next step in furtherance of hardware freedom we should also be funding the development of a proper open source alternative, or campaign for USB to be open sourced.

Don’t start fights between millennials and gen-z. We’ll both lose.

I didn’t know that. Deleted my comment as that is not the kind of joke I want to make then. Sorry and thanks for telling me.

Chrome OS. Only taken seriously by corporations (who probably shouldn’t be using it for official business anyway), intentionally de-featured and functionality limited out of some misguided ‘vision’ by management, and everyone else who uses it hates it.

Why? They’re like elephants but even more badass!

Also, Threads is a super generic name which IMO is worse. Honestly sounds like a computer science student’s proof of concept social media they made for class.

I’m less concerned about my public facing profile (I intended it to be public after all), more worried about them fingerprinting my browser and correlating it to my personal life and personal browsing, and then selling that entire dataset. It would be really hard for Lemmy to do that, really easy for Facebook.

I feel like an incompetent POS does less real harm than a competent POS. Musk is unintentionally driving users off Twitter, Zuck is deliberately priming users to be exploited, and has been deliberately exploiting them.

Fair enough. But if we’re comparing CEOs, Zuckerberg isn’t better though.

Except they have thoroughly infiltrated the fediverse to the point where the simple idea of not federating with FACEBOOK of all companies is somehow controversial now.

“No corporate bullshit! It’s ruined twitter!”

“OK maybe some corporate bullshit, I’m sure Facebook will be better.”

INB4 they start encoding it as dialup modem sounds.

Isn’t that usually the argument that anti-vegans use? That we’re the top predator due to our intelligence and technology and therefore we have an intrinsic right to the lives of other animals?

One genuine point owed to retro hipster music formats though: you can’t DRM them.

And tape is just now starting to get popular again with the hipsters. Big reel-to-reel machines.

Place your bets on when playing midis on old Windows 3.1 computers will explode again!

You consider humans superior in intellect and ability compared to all other animals yet can’t grasp the fact that some humans have chosen to use said superior intellect and ability to avoid killing other animals?

Which raises another point, how are the bills being paid for with any of these services, including lemmy?

The hope is with user donations. As far as I know every instance is losing money though.

Hotels are quite heavily regulated in all parts of their operation, many have unionized staff. AirBNB owners are wannabe landlords with no oversight.

What extra room for a kid? When we went on vacation we booked a double queen bed and and we all squeezed onto them.

I also don’t know of any reasonably sized hotel that doesn’t offer at least a basic laundry machine in the hallway.

Don’t just cut out beef from your diet, replace it with the flesh of billionaires.

Certainly not. They were colonized. Should have remembered that as well.

Do other people who defend China even use or like TikTok? I sure don’t, I have never used TikTok as an argument for China.

You mean roughly the part of the world where the US used Agent Orange and flamethrowers?

Oh, and nuked twice. Almost forgot.

My old person trait is that I don’t think websites should require JavaScript to render, only use JS for interactive elements that are absolutely necessary for the function of your website. I generally accept that I may have to use JS to post and comment, but to read something should never require me to enable it.

I don’t care how free their range is, they could have been raised in a luxury resort and it’d still be shitty to kill animals for food. What gives us the right to any other sentient being’s life, especially now that technology has advanced enough to make meat effectively obsolete.