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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: May 26, 2023


Sure, boobies are nice and all that, but have you ever had your cat eara rubbed? 😳

I guess the main issue is with the government having absolute control over the economy. I would not want the most prominent politicians in my country having control of the economy. No matter how much I dislike capitalism.
Just put the people who work for a company in charge of the company. Have them elect who calls the shots. Also have them directly benefit from the company doing well. I guess that is like end-stage unions or smth. All power to the workers. Should be doable within capitalism, maybe, probably.

You must be fun at parties. Maybe it’s just self-deprecating humour?

  1. It’d be interesting to see one with data from 2023 given the incredible number of people leaving the church. We are about to gothify Germany. Watch us make the map pitch black 🤘

Macht den Laden dicht ihr Deppen. Ich wähl stur grün, bis die auch irgendwann kacke werde. Dann muss ich reevaluieren.

Which is why I think it is probably more immoral to play by their rules. But in the end I pirate cause I’m poor.

Interestingly enough that is an American thing I believe. In Germany no one thinks the Nazis were socialists.

Damn straight. Us queers need to stand together and there can be no god damn LGBTQ+ without the flippin T.

I always said rich people should not exist. We should help them by redistributing all their wealth.

Boy am I glad we don’t have that nonsense on lemmy. Why people care about that garbage is beyond me.

In the US houses are held together by thoughts and prayers.

Why didn’t they just post their guides on youtube then? Why do they had to package it with a bunch of make believe nonsense?

Dang kids should do their climate strike on the weekends!
Not much of a strike then, is it? You want workers to strike in their free time too? That will show 'em!

Naja, das kommt, weil sie ja selbst bemüht sind Wissen anzueignen. Nur, dass sie sich völlig schwachsinnigen Mist in die Birne pumpen, dass wissen sie ja nicht. Die glauben, die hätten endlich die Wahrheit erkannt, die man versucht hat vor ihen zu verbergen.
Mt. Stupid lässt grüßen. Aber ich bin ja auch selbst als Teenager auf “freie Energie” und Ähnliches reingefallen. Hab eben auch Null Ahnung von Physik leider. Heute schaue ich eben ElectroBoom, der prügelt mir das “THERE IS NO FREE ENERGY” regelmäßig in meine Birne.

Jordan Peterson? That is if the has a few moments inbetween crying on cam in his messy room.

Bro no politician cares about fucking denuvo. Not buying games with that crap is the only thing you can do. Besides cracking it yourself of course. That is bound to hurt the company.

I honestly don’t even care. Denuvo is still cancer and I’m not gonna pay for games with that crap. Even if denuvo would make the game run 10% better.

That dude is one in a billion. I am kinda scared what will become of valve once he retires or even dies. I swear to god if I lose access to my steam library I will never buy a single damn piece of media ever again.

Yup, I would have had to subscribe to sky for at least two years to watch it. Their weird monthly streaming service did not even include GoT and it was 720p max and it would not allow you to watch anything, if you got a 2nd monitor connected. That shit is as anti-consumer as it gets.

That’s right. You are simply in better hands if you actually pay for a service. If google offers you something for free, they do not really owe you anything, you are not entitled to that service.

Unfortunately, but we can still try. Any competition in that space is good.

A lot of people don’t know this, but you can edge yourself while watching porn on any browser.

Excuse you, I use CalyxOS on my phone. I also use Linux on my PC. Am I allowed back on the “apple bad” train? Tbh, I don’t think Apple products are bad. I just hate the company, just like many MANY others.

Huh, the more you know. I thought they hung his body upside down. Must have been a fake AI image

Because the fanbase is autistic or because it has no lore? I’ve only played the first one and it basically did not have a story.

Bet you think BJ Blazkowicz is a hypocrite too.

I’m with you. I still use my 3.5mm jack daily. I’ve got some cheap PC stereo speakers next to my bed, so I can listen to stuff to fall asleep to. They suck for music, but are just fine for audiobooks for instance.

At least Saruman was smart enough to just live in a big old tower incease it ever were to break.

“bad fascist” implies the existence of a good fascist, no? Ahhh, because of the old saying "The only good fascist is a dead fascist.

I will never not tell people how my old HP still works on cheap refills. HP will never see another dime from me.

I want to conserve the fucking planet, but they won’t even let me have that.

I’m gonna side with your therapist here. Hope you will be fine.