Read all four books and still don’t know what they actually are.
The first-past-the-post system is definitely a huge part of the problem. But in the US Senate the Republicans have the same number of seats with 40 million fewer votes. But somehow that is never a big issue in public discourse. If I was living in the US, I’d be shouting it from the rooftops every day.
Vulnerabilities exist in every piece of complex software. Open source means that when a something is found, it’ll be patched and pushed out quickly because there is no secrecy and everybody just wants it to get done. In commercial, closed source software, the infectives are different. Companies world rather spend their time on money making activities that supporting their old stuff. And they’re scared of reputational damage, so they’re more likely to sweep things under the rug. Generally, i trust open source software far more.
White the absolute numbers aren’t so huge, it’s more about the kind of people who are leaving Reddit. Many if those are former mods or people who create a lot if content. I do think this will lead to an appreciable lots in overall quality of Reddit. Not that the quality they’re had been anything to write home about. But the downward trajectory continues.
Es wird ja immer viel davon geredet, dass man den US Internet Konzernen etwas entgegen setzen muss. Das wäre ja eine Gelegenheit dies zu tun