One thing that may convince them of the severity of it is the fact that extremely anti drug governments allow children to have stimulants with diagnosis.
And yeah medication isn’t for everyone, but I do encourage people to try and see if it’s for them. Non medication assistance may also be available but it’s far more mixed of a bag than medication is
There’s a theory that it doesn’t get better with age for anyone but many learn coping and masking mechanisms.
But yeah unfortunately what you’re describing is not rare. What you’re describing sounds an awful lot like you might be burning yourself out by the end of the day using all of your energy focusing on school and your internship.
If you aren’t medicated that would likely be the first place to start. I know everyone hates hearing diet and exercise, and they absolutely aren’t the cure some claim, but for myself at least they are a vital component of a holistic treatment. I need a combination of stimulant medication, healthy diet, regular exercise, sufficient social interaction, decent sleep, consistent habits, and the proper rest in order to be my best. Some of these can be trimmed with minor losses, but meds are bare minimum to function, and diet, exercise, and socialization are the difference between “can work then break down at home” and “actually function in my home life”.
I know it can be daunting and I just flat out couldn’t do it at times in college. My senior design project wasn’t going to sit around for me to go on a bike ride. But when my brain got fuzzy walked a lap around campus. Put on a podcast and move your body. And most importantly this isn’t all or nothing, this is every bit helps, and you can use that help to get another bit. Healthier food (like peanut butter on whole wheat for lunch instead of take out or ramen) may give you the energy to take a walk. Regular walks might give you the energy to go out with friends for an evening. These are habits and it took me most of my 20s to figure out and implement this.
There are middle aged people who were kidnapped from their homes by the government, beaten for using their language, and taught not to ask questions when a classmate disappeared. Anyone who thinks that the oppression of native Americans is some ancient history thing needs to actually talk to some because we still aren’t treating them with any decency
Yeah, but assholes can riot too. Assholes can be unheard. One needs to listen to what a group is demanding and ask if their demands are for justice or for injustice. Sometimes a race riot is against racism, sometimes it’s against racialized people doing well in a racist society. Jan 6 was a riot. They felt unheard and made demands and used violence to get them. That’s bad. Stonewall was a bunch of people who felt unheard, made demands, and used violence to get them. That was good. The difference is that society was right for listening to the votes instead of conspiracy theories and society was wrong for sending cops to arrest gay people.
Yeah I’m an anarchist. I have friends who are ML. If they were to say, support a theoretical Cuban invasion of Rojava (listen there aren’t many anti capitalist countries in 2023) because Rojava isn’t the right kind of anti capitalist that would be some tankie ass shit.
The Soviets weren’t saying “be communist or be destroyed” the rebels believed in communism they just wanted self rule.
Also tankie usually implies someone supports Russia and China no matter what they do. Often they use the argument of being anti imperialist even when defending imperialist expansion.
Yeah the dictatorship of the proletariat shouldn’t be thought of as like the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein but rather as forceful removal of hierarchy from society. “We will learn to live as equals no matter how difficult it is and those who refuse to join in the work will be punished.” If you’re just getting rid of the people who held power before the revolution and not fighting the desire for power you’re just gonna wind up with a red czar.
Sometimes I think that since I still really love goth chicks I haven’t changed that much since the 00s
But then I remember that over that time frame goth chicks went from edgy rebellious teenagers in a ton of makeup to moms in their 30s with a wicked sense of humor that wear a lot of black. They still deal weed and hate authorities though.
It’s also the height of install. If you drive a subcompact a lot of vehicles will just have lights so high up to you that what’s a reasonable angle for them is directly in your mirror