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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


External HDD in my wifi network. It runs Samba. I can just drag and drop folders and it transfers over wifi.

This is actually pretty useful. Thanks!

You English win this game. Easily 🤣

what’s more authoritarian than invasion and murder?

you should do that.

you are telling me that a society that invades other countries is not authoritarian?

I do. For example America invaded Iraq, Afganistan and bombed Syria, Libya, Yemen, Pakistan and more countries. This is just in the last 20 years.

Is there anything more authoritarian than invading a country and killing the people who live there?

The question is whether you know what authoritarian is.

Those servers probably have to be outside the western world to be able to refuse dmca letters.

There should be a community for programming dad jokes.

The US is the most authoritarian government in the world. How many countries have the Americans invaded in your lifetime?

America’s favourite pastime is committing war crimes and invading other countries.

ouch this is a horrible study.

It puts women playing candy cruch on their phobe into the same bucket as young men playing video games on the pc. In reality there are very different groups of consumers.

This is trash ordered for political reasons. Not science.

where is this number coming from?

You’re forgetting that those incels are paying customers, who can easily take their money elsewhere.

Still better than the new Reddit UI

wir begrüßen deutschland in der Dritten Welt

Die DB ist dringend reformbedürftig.

Proton is wine+dxvk packaged by Valve (pkus a few other libs). The work the wine teams did in thr last decades has been heroic.

The SteamDeck has been a huge gamechanger (pun intended!). All video games work now.

So far Zuck’s manhood appears to be bigger.

Die AfD ist wegen der wirtschaftlichen Katastrophe im Aufwind. Die Wirtschaft ist so schlecht wegen des Krieges. Der Krieg muss beendet werden, damit der Aufstieg der AfD gestoppt werden kann.