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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Do any of these dragons happen to exist in dungeons, prefer wearing dark leather, use manacles and other instruments of torture, and make you refer to them as “the Dungeon Master”?

Finally, a community where I can bitch about Papyrus, the whatever-ethnicity-you-want-it-to-be typeface.

You got to take it one finger at a time.

Thirsty people got to get something to drink somehow.

To be fair, I’ve downloaded plenty of actresses.

Ohioan, can confirm, nothing but corn and soy to touch. I thought grass was just a myth until I saw it on the internets one day.

IANAL, but per this StackExchange question, this is one of the answers for that:

Yes, though there is a procedure for in that doesn’t involve running back and forth (don’t do this as the bailiff will tackle you).

The defendant will almost always need to take the stand. There are two ways this can be done. Which is permitted depends on the judge.

The first, more common method is that the defendant gives a statement without being questioned. This would include all relevant facts that would normally be given by answers to their lawyer’s questions.

After this statement is given, the prosecution will cross-examine as usual.

The second is more similar to what you describe- the defendant plays the role of asker and answerer. The defendant does not run back and forth and should probably refrain from doing a silly voice for the lawyer part but yes, they ask questions and answer them. This was used in United States v. Nivica, 887 F.2d 1110 (1st Cir. 1989).

Everything I believe is correct though, so if I see something that agrees with what I already believe, it can’t possibly be propaganda.

I’m on lemmy.world and there’s been virtually no NSFW content I’m seeing on this account. I had to create an account on lemmynsfw.com to be able to start seeing it. Hell, I have an Instagram account specifically to see NSFW stuff and I still find my feed filled with completely SFW funny animal videos, baking creations, and woodworking. The internet does not want me to give in to my vulgar proclivities.

The pain is real (though unheard and unseen, as anything else would be too dramatic).

My first thoughts are always about the logistics, “Could that fit in my car? How could I move that thing?” It’s not til afterwards that I actually think “Do I even need that? Is it even in good condition?”

My first thoughts are always about the logistics, “Could that fit in my car? How could I move that thing?” It’s not til afterwards that I actually think “Do I even need that? Is it even in good condition?”

My first thoughts are always about the logistics, “Could that fit in my car? How could I move that thing?” It’s not til afterwards that I actually think “Do I even need that? Is it even in good condition?”

Scorched Earth. Reddit’s entire value as a website was built off of the creative output of its users. If I’m leaving the site, they’re no longer entitled to my creative output. Sure, me writing “This” or “Did Nazi that coming” isn’t particularly creative, but it was still MY writing. Did I lose ownership of my words after I wrote them? If I’m picking up and moving on, I’m taking my content with me.

It’s definitely a drop in the bucket, though I wonder what the Creator/Contributor/Lurker percentages are on Reddit vs Lemmy (1%/9%/90% is the normal percentages I see related to those groups). If we assume a larger number of Creators and Contributors left Reddit (presumably for Lemmy), then even though Lemmy has less total users, it may have a higher amount of actual content creators and contributors. Though what that actually translates into over time is questionable.

I doubt a “mass exodus”, most people probably stayed and it will take time before there’s a mass exodus from the platform. As apparent as it is to many of us that Reddit has gone to shit, for the vast majority of users, they just saw it as another meme-able moment, just another one of those reddit dramas that flares up and dies down eventually in time fort he next trend to hit.

For them though, maybe it’s died down already and it’s back to business as usual, maybe not, but the casual users aren’t going to see the true effects for some time I think. As a lack of moderation, a lack of content, an increase in bots, spam, and extremism start to take hold on the platform, users will start to realize that something is not quite right, it’s not the same reddit it used to be. They’ll start to get an inkling of what we’ve already seen and maybe at that point they’ll start branching out to Lemmy or some other platform. This may cause Reddit, the company, to start acting out in desperation to try to keep users from leaving and/or protect its potential profits, which may in turn cause a feedback loop wherein more users leave and Reddit gets stupider and stupider (similar to what we’re currently seeing with Twitter). It’ll be awhile before there’s a true mass exodus from the site.

Is #ThickTrunkTuesday not about men with large cocks? That sounds pretty exciting to me.

Interesting, never heard of that group, surprised they survived the Trump years, given that Obama was the one that created the unit.

Slightly related, I remember sitting in on a recruitment seminar for the CIA some years back when they came to our design school and gave a talk about the graphic designers that prepare Intelligence Reports for the President. Interesting talk, but they had absolutely no sense of humor (as I guess anybody would expect). Other than background checks and all that for a government position, I was surprised at how relatively easy it seemed for an entry-level graphic designer to get that close to interacting with the Presidency and classified secrets. However, given the demands of the job, I’m sure it burns people out pretty quickly. This USDS group though sounds like it might be slightly less stressful, though still an important position for designers to get into.

Knowing how the US operates, we’ll go down that path here in about 100 years, when children that are growing up with this and have fully aged into seniority in all the branches.

No, even on Reddit I wasn’t trying to let IRL people know that I was on Reddit. I don’t want them figuring out my username and seeing any of my comments. Not because I’m like ashamed or anything, but because I enjoy the freedom of not “having an audience”. I write differently if I know that potentially people I know IRL are reading it vs whoever the hell you people are. Anonymity is freedom.

“Those titties were dope, yo”

Part of me likes being recognized for something I did, but just don’t do it in person or I won’t know how to respond.

That looks like my Dad, though I can’t imagine him ever doing anything like that.

40-ish M. Potentially, we’re/they’re more likely to have been using 3rd party apps and felt frustration with the Reddit decision in the first place. Younger users (and maybe older, 50-60+) maybe just started off with the official Reddit app or Reddit is a smaller part of their “content diet” vs other platforms, so they don’t really see what the big deal is.

If true, it’d be kind of an interesting demographic shift, since the last time we probably saw something like that was with Facebook when younger people moved away from it when it became boomer territory, so maybe the opposite is happening with Reddit, with middle/older more tech-savvy users jumping ship, but I’ve no real evidence.

As much as I’d like to say, “Oh, there’s no way in hell he’d win,” I remember saying the same thing in 2016, and here we are. Definitely a Constitutional crisis that would make it up to the Supreme Court, but yeah, we already know how the Conservative majority would decide on it.

I’m not sure if I should say anything to comfort OP in some way.