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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Soon the factory will grow to other planets.

I only have 1000 hours in Factorio, what are you up to?

This also my be a bad ideal telling you, but there is a DLC coming out for Factorio and boy does it look good.

The thing I learnt is only assholes expect you to remember 100% of thing 100% of the time.

If you get asked something you can always delay them by saying “I added that to our documentation, let me pull it up”

Now suddenly you go from someone others think as doesn’t know anything, to the person who actually updates documentation with evolving changes.

Network engineer. Aka systems engineer troubleshooting expert.

Pro tip. if you are ever in the situation where you think the problem is the network, think again. By all means ask for our help troubleshooting, but don’t blame us when you cant find what is wrong with your app.

Have to never had cold pizza leftovers for breakfast after a night of drinking?

Do you have a Hotmail or windows live email address? If you do have a look at OneNote for note keeping it has a tonne of features like tabs and bookmarks, and can save to onedrive so it is harder to loose.

Sounds like you could start using the names of moons. But a pantheon does sound like a good system too, should also include the titans.

I think your prompt was wrong there mate. He said small not swol.

In AU depending on the size of your business you may also have quarterly Business Activity Statements or BAS for short.

Been on the internet since the end of the 90s and I still haven’t seen it, or lemon tea party.

And android doesn’t? Have you seen any pwn20wn contests? Every vendor has bugs I would argue that due to the fractured android market they have more known problems that phone vendors aren’t patching.

Ms at least has a known patch cycle of the second Tuesday of each month.

Something fun you can do is set your password to an eicar test string. That should break things of they are running any av and storing the password in clear text

I would check you TOS with the VPS provider if you get too much traffic or the wrong type of traffic they may terminate your service.

Depends on what software you used to zip it and which format… zip,rar,7zip,tar.gz

you could use zip2john or John the ripper to brute force the password but that takes time

Ethernet wins. Hands down, no contest. Speed of an electron along a copper medium may be slower then RF through free space, but there are so many more sources of interference with free space.

For 99.99% of applications the latency between good wifi and ethernet is non noticeable.

More then just the butt.

Just Watch is not region locked. I use it here in the Netherlands. If you go traveling you can switch your region to see what is showing regionally.

There likely won’t ever be an official number on how many users jumped ship. Even unofficial ones will be guestimates.