Yeah, I kinda agree. I like the niche, albiet small, community these decentralized platforms offer. TBH, I love the trade of brands not pointing their content firehoses in our direction. While I love the idea of more people using lemmy, for example, I worry about the inflection pointe where that changes and this place gets ruined.
Exactly. The users who have moved here are disproportionately commenters, power posters, and moderators from reddit. I was a top 1% poster on reddit, lots of OC, but I’ve essentially stopped participating there. I occasionally comment, but I don’t make posts on reddit anymore. If a significant fraction of power posters (and not just the reposters) and moderators migrate to lemmy, lemmy will have disproportionately good content, while the reddit experience will degrade further into reposts and poor moderation. I think lemmy already has disproportionately good posts and engagement, just still pretty small at the moment.
people often forget that reddit initially achieved network effect because a small number of high quality users left digg for being too captured by corporate interests. the rest took 10 years to play out, but inevitably when the mainstream follows these initial users, the platform dies and it is time for another migration. I think we’ve been ready for a while.
Facebook is nowhere dead. Everyone I meet wants to chat via Messenger, small firms here don’t bother creating a website anymore, they create a facebook page (’ cause everyone’s there) and local/company communities use facebook groups to talk. Not to mention event hosts, they create fb events. If you are interested in topics that are liked globally, the fediverse is getting better. But if you are looking for a local community, you’ll rarely find any. The lemmy page of my country is basically dead, the sub however is thriving.
TILVids has orders of magnitude less usage than YouTube, both in terms of storage and bandwidth.
Generally speaking you can expect to hit one bottleneck or another whenever you grow one order of magnitude, and fixing these becomes harder each time.
That depends on what you want. Folks where talking about a YouTube replacement. If TILVids is that for you right now and you don’t expect more content there then it’s all good.
Yeah I think most people thinking we can just replace YouTube do not understand the scale of their operation. What YouTube does is many many orders of magnitude bigger and more complex than anything happening on the fediverse. PeerTube is a joke by comparison. There is a reason that even when VC money was flowing like crazy, nobody was able to even think about launching a competitor.
On top of that, no platform can seek to replace YouTube without offering the same or better creator compensation. Free services will never meet that.
Look at Twitch. Microsoft, Facebook, and (somewhat) Google have attempted to dethrone them and they’ve all failed. Things like Rumble and Kick are still going, and Kick may have a slight chance.
But that’s a much smaller platform, that everyone agrees is absolute garbage and trying to kill itself at every turn. YouTube would be a much bigger challenge.
Torrents are peer to peer. The storage comes exclusively from seeders. If nobody is seeding a torrent, and nobody has the data, it is dead and the data no longer exists.
Its also getting the content creators onto the new platform. Thats a bigger challenge I think, without creators it’s a dead site really, and making videos is significantly more difficult than image or text posting.
For storage, if we assume the format would be WebM at 1080p, 60fps and 20 minutes in length, it turns out to about 1GB. Even a cheap VPS instance usually offer 50GB of storage (with not too expensive storage upgrades).
So if its distributed evenly, we can host a good bit of videos (nothing compared to YouTube though).
Its nearly impossible to replicate what YouTube it is today. The amount of storage and bandwith require is immense, also the creators coming up to a new platform without a way to get money it will really hard to have something like YouTube.
Its nearly impossible to replicate what YouTube it is today.
Why would we want to? People want to replace Youtube because Youtube sucks ass. Replacing it with another monetized platform will only ever lead to the same place Youtube is at now.
It sucks that people who managed to make a living from their hobby have gotten fucked over, but until we have some major regulatory and economic overhauls, that’s just how it works. Changing platforms is not a solution to that.
Let’s not forget that there’s money to be earned by being a youtube person. Creating a model that would make this possible in a federated approach would be bonkers as hell and probably just invite predatory dipshits who then lure creators with seemingly good offers and then start to hold them hostage in ways YouTube hasn’t dared so far.
lure creators with seemingly good offers and then start to hold them hostage in ways YouTube hasn’t dared so far.
Like Smosh?
Young up and coomers, first giants on YouTube. Sold their channel and brand for stock. Then were tied to the company for years who worked them like dogs. Until the company that bought them went bankrupt so their stock was nullified and they in the end sold their company for $0.
Most professional YouTubers survive primarily off of Patreon support and sponsored videos. YouTube ads provide only a small fraction of what they earn. If they could increase their Patreon or sponsorship income by cross-posting to PeerTube, then they could be enticed to do so. The current issue there is that sponsors are going to want accurate analytics, and PeerTube isn’t going to be able to offer the kind of depth of audience analysis that YouTube can.
The problem is, the cost of hosting videos – both in terms of storage and in terms of bandwidth – is kind of prohibitive. That part needs to be solved.
While I agree in spirit, what other option is there in a capitalist society? Paying a subscription fee for every single service or every single content creator? Not sure people are going to go for that en masse.
The reality is that most content creators will not switch platforms because it guarantees a significant loss of viewership. Ad reads won’t pay much if you’re only talking to a fraction of your audience.
So if its distributed evenly, we can host a good bit of videos (nothing compared to YouTube though).
I read 500 hours of content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Obviously a lot of that is low quality, but we’re still talking a lot of content unless we’re suggesting the creators host it themselves (which could work for a small subset of folks if it were enough of a turnkey solution).
Youtube as others noted isnt as evil as reddit or others, but peertube could be a good augmentation to youtube which stores loads of data. However Internet Archive stores alot of data as does Wikipedia don’t know how though. You could also pay per video, one cent per video no subscription just own what you buy. Or you could find way of compressing video data consumption files like is done with png and obsidian files. Or merge ads with content but with a marketplace anyone who wants to sale a product can post to specilized instants for sales and only those who want to buy would be subscribed to for profit instances.
I think ads need to be the way to go for a peer video sharing platform , maybe less intrusive ads but they need to be there , else it will be very hard for many creators to make money
I didn’t know about this, thanks for the heads up!! But, with this decentralized approach, if a peertube node “dies”, could those videos be saved in a different node? I guess one of my biggest concerns with the fediverse is that fragmenting the network might also lead to fragility of content
Oof, that might be a solid roadblock limiting peertube/fediverse. Decentralization sounds great as a greediness deterrence system, but it also feels like lesser nodes will be more prone to stop maintenance over many years, making decentralize content more fragile than centralized. I wonder if a way to counterattack this is via enabling posts mirroring and content transfer among fediverse instances… 🤔
I get that point! But imagine “ancient youtube history videos” like “chocolate rain” were hosted on an old and unstable peertube node. I would find it sad that a decentralized infrastructure erased old and historic eras of the internet. I’m not saying this just defeats the whole fediverse, I just find it a point of concern, I’m sure if it is really a problem the developers and community will find approaches to mitigate it!
(Btw, I’m not yet well informed about all the caveats/tradeoffs/unwritten rules of lemmy/mastodon/peertube when it comes to data storage, so maybe what I’m saying just doesn’t make sense at all, correct me if I’m wrong!!)
So if every instance helps stream videos to a single client via a torrent protocol, that still means every instance needs to individually store all videos for all the servers it federates with. Sounds like it solves bandwidth as an issue but storage is still absolutely a problem.
I frankly don’t see a way for federated video to happen unless uploads are severely limited or it’s paywalled. Even with YouTube’s wild compression, you’re looking at several gigs for a single 4k video.
Honestly the fact that YouTube exists is a miracle. Video is still just monstrously large.
I wonder when they’ll have to start deleting content to make space again. At some point, adding more and more servers probably won’t be feasible anymore.
It really is just wild that a service like YouTube is as big as it is and just does its thing.
Currently data storage is dirt cheap because globalised mass production of electronics is a wild thing.
As soon as we get past our current peak everything production at least on copper, rare metals, and petrol (there’s more, I’m just not knowledgeable enough) and we start to have to ration things a bit high res video streaming will be one of the first things to go.
And then comes the question, what will they delete first?
Probably old and therefore maybe irrelevant content, but those old videos from over a decade ago are also mostly lower resolution and bitrate and won’t free up as much space.
So once that’s exhausted, what goes next?
Who will have the privilege to stay on the platform, and who won’t? Or in other words, who makes YouTube the most money?
And once that has to be decided, content will be whatever YouTube wants it to be. Which I can’t imagine being a good thing.
It’s simple: don’t do 4K. It’s absolutely unneeded.
I’ve never seen any big media content that actually benefits from more than 720p. Among other things, for watching comfortably on laptops. Heck, for most communication / reaction videos, 540p / 480p is more than enough (in those cases the audio is actually more important than the visuals).
I watch a lot of music videos though so I love 4k. Don’t know why you’re getting down voted though. What you said is true. I don’t need to watch a talk stream vod in 4k
Thanks. And it’s understandable, I’m guessing most of the people downvoting are the ones who are trying to defend their sunk cost after having bought into a solution without a problem.
That said, there do are valid use cases for stuff like 1080p or 4K (or for, say, >= 120 fps). I just don’t think modern “big corp” media, or TV shows, are good examples of it. Like, honestly, what do you want to watch Avengers: Endgame in 4K for? To salivate at the warts on The Hulk’s groin?
You’re right on that too. Those movies actually look worse in 4k because low resolutions hide the bad CGI.
I have a large collection of 4k blurays for my favorite movies though. Like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune look fantastic. But not every movie deserves the hard disk space.
And still, do you need a 4K video stream for a music video?
I understand wanting higher res audio (which still amounts to minuscule amounts of bandwith compared to the video stream) but I don’t get how image quality is important in this setting.
I was actually thinking about what it would take to have a truly peer to peer video site. Have clients simultaneously consume, serve and transcode content. It would obviously be concentrated in the hands of big enthusiasts and small video companies, but presumably it would be similar to the fediverse where you can choose from many instances.
problem, the way I see it, is that there are wayyyyy more devices that cannot transcode and do not have the storage to maintain a cache, than ones that do. And the ones that can do so for a large number of clients are expensive to run. Much more expensive than stuff like lemmy. It’d be hard to form that kind of ecosystem.
I hadn’t dealt with video in years (like 2008) and recently used my Canon R6 to record a few seconds of 4k footage.
After getting over being annoyed at the camera stopping due to overheating after just 5 minutes, I was shocked to see a 7 second clip come to almost 700mb as a raw file.
Indeed video will probably be the last kind of network to see federation. It could take some pretty generous acts of philanthropy along the way to make anything sustainable happen.
I mean, that’s an extreme example. That’s way above what on even a 4K BR disc.
I think Netflix is like 6GB for a two hour movie 1080p which is more manageable, but my connection (at a whopping 6Mbps upload) would just about be able to host that for one other person to see.
Modern connections can do a lot, but it would have to be a large peer to peer solution to be back in the hands of the masses. A couple of Linux nerds with a spare server under their desk isn’t going to cut it. Realistically, popular videos would have to be on a CDN of some sort, and that ain’t particularly cheap at scale.
I’d happily pay for a federated video service tbh. I already pay for YouTube. I didn’t even blink when they raised the price on me because I get so much value out of it
100 GB ? that’s cute. I work in a film production company for advertisements, where the recent trend has been for the crew to return after 3-5 days of shooting, with RAIDs filled with somewhere between 15 and 25 TB of raw data. no fun to store all this.
I love nebula too. They’re definitely what I imagine federated video would be though. Restricted uploads, and paid. Nothing wrong with that though, video is expensive.
I know there’s nothing wrong with those things, but the kind of people using the word “cancelling” and “free speech” are the kinds I try not to associate with
I dont see any source code, so I wouldn’t trust it, especially with the fact that you already mentioned two alternatives that are open source, that will fill the gap.
Not being open source is pretty damaging to their user acquisition, I guess.
Well it did not ask for my personal info when creating an account, so I trusted it at first.
For now I use both Mastodon and Session, and still kept WireMin on my phone because it combines them both.
I look forward to the day when they finally publish their source code.
It’s not open source, indeed. But I noticed that the users on WireMin are all very concerned about protecting their privacy. For example there’s one community created by one anonymous user: The Gray Papers- Take back your data.
Exactly. Youtube is there to stay, i think.
I dont have many issues with it as well tbh.
I pay for our family account and its just an amazing experience, no need for Spotify with YT Music as well. Creators earn more with premium too - the service is just working for me.
One could debate about hosting costs and revenue split and content policies, but in principle, i have no qualms with Youtube.
You can also seamlessly download videos on all of your devices, on top of their own music streaming service.
I’m sure you can get all of it for free somehow, but there’s a point in life that convenience is more important. Also, the family plan is dirt cheap if you consider all you get.
Yeah paid YT is probably the last media subscription to go, especially with YT Music. Hours and hours of watch time probably number one thing watched by the whole family. The only problem I usually have with YT is getting “boxed in” to content, like it thinks I only like watching channel X now because I watched a video. Sometimes the entire feed is like 2 or 3 channels and it’s harder to discover something new.
(One interesting thing, if you create your own YT channels each channel has a fresh watch history and sometimes you can then build up a different set of videos on the other channels)
YouTube probably isn’t worried about open source competition, but Twitch could be a real competitor. Twitch already captured a large chunk of gaming, especially the live streams.
Twitch would need a lot of work to make videos more first class citizens, that is probably more the reason than storage costs. They have Amazon backing them now with basically unlimited storage potential.
Which description? That Wikipedia article says “The aim is to provide an alternative to centralized platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.”
The difference to YouTube is that it’s not intended to create a huge platform centralizing videos from the whole world on a single server farm (which is horribly expensive).
From their website. It’s a very different system, and also not funded by advertisers, which means someone else has to pay the bills.
The ambition remains to be a free and decentralized alternative: the goal of an alternative is not to replace, but to propose something else, with different values, in parallel to what already exists.
They’re saying they’re not a replacement because it’s a decentralized alternative to something centralized. Not because it can’t serve the same needs for technical or economic reasons.
I feel like it’s still crazy that YouTube share their ad revenue with their content creators. Granted it’s not much but not even tiktok, Instagram nor twitch does that.
It’s probably easier to replace Amazon than YouTube. Free streaming services don’t make money, YouTube loses money, Twitch loses money, Kick loses money, the Microsoft one before it died was losing money. If it’s free to watch it loses money, and these are companies that do a ton of work to try and make it not lose money, and it just doesn’t work.
You don’t need to replace Amazon in it’s entirety. You just need to shop from different places selling only a particular category (clothes, books, computer hardware, pet supplies etc) or straight from brand’s shop. At least that’s what I’ve been doing. Also haven’t renewed my prime subscription for last 2 years.
All the power to those that like Amazon but I have never bought anything from Amazon and never will. I always look up the cheapest option (that is trustworthy) which Amazon never is. Plus I don’t like their business model just like I don’t like media mark (they killed of many stores by selling for huge losses for years). we want competition so we want as many stores as possible, we also want experts, so I rather go to a store that sells x type of products not x, y, z and also b like Amazon do.
Also big stores like Amazon only makes sense in the physical form, jumping between stores online isn’t physical draining.
I literally have like 1TB of video stored on YouTube and privatized. Google is making $0 from my videos, but they still have to store them and have them available if I want to watch it (it’s all of my Twitch VODs). Meanwhile websites like Streamable perma-delete my 5MB video after it gets 0 views in 2 milliseconds.
The university I work for just got hit with this. We used to give our alums free Google services (including unlimited storage) because that’s what was in our contract. Well Google changed their minds and now we have to pay out the ass for that space, so we’re just dropping google instead (which is ultimately what they wanted tbh). Our users are fucking livid too saying like “I had 15 terabytes of shit on there!”. Well, sorry! That shit costs money.
I’m shocked they haven’t already. A good 95% of YouTube could be deleted and no one would notice, and would save Google millions and millions of dollars.
They are starting to delete the data associated to Google accounts that have not signed in in several years. This includes their YouTube videos. I have started downloading the videos from creators that have passed that I still wish to watch.
If they did that, I wouldn’t be able to find a fix for the fuel line getting kinked in my BG86 leaf blower. You know that video with 48 views that exactly solves the problem I am having? Same applies across basically every niche device or mechanical issue and is one of the primary reasons I find myself on youtube.
Fair point! However, your argument is almost more reason for Google to do it.
You find yourself on YouTube for those niche videos, which means you’re the kind of customer YouTube would benefit from getting rid of. A few dozen views from you per year to find niche videos, is not paying them anything, and is wasting a ton of storage. They want people who spend hours upon hours on YouTube per day, essentially replacing TV. Those who spend hours and hours on YouTube, are also generally watching popular videos, or videos that YouTube is recommending, which means a ton of ad views, or even YouTube Premium subscriptions.
I would absolutely be crushed if YouTube deleted all those random niche videos because I just used one last week to fix my car. Some random ass video showing a potential ground wire issue. I am not saying I want Google to do it, I don’t, but I am definitely shocked they aren’t.
Sometimes i feel bad for YouTube. Video hosting is the worst of both worlds (heaviest storage and highest bandwidth) and there’s a LOT of video on YouTube, most of it worthless.
and they keep the original file as well as their converted file. So every video you upload is stored at least twice. Technically more, because popular videos are stored on multiple servers to ensure fast load times no matter where you live. It’s crazy. I would love to see a behind the scenes your of YouTube, and a live stat counter page. It would seem fake.
I wouldn’t count on that and I’d definitely recommend backups. I had a channel full of videos just disappear and I never found out what happened. I just went to check something one day and it was gone. The videos are all gone. Nobody could help I eventually just had to suck it up. From what I read at the time it happens here and there but not to people big enough for there to ever be a stink about it. Someone said it happens if you don’t log on for long enough but I logged in every few months at least for various reasons so I dunno.
Oh I don’t. I just move them there because Twitch deletes them after a few days. I don’t care about them, it’s just an easy 1 click button to save them on YouTube.
In fact I stopped relying on Google services when they banned the Terraria developers Google account and the only way he got it back was by canceling the Stadia release of Terraria.
Since that day, I switched to ProtonMail with a custom domain,, proton calendar, and more.
Realized that unless I have to power to potentially cost Google millions of dollars, Google won’t even look my way.
That’s right. You are simply in better hands if you actually pay for a service. If google offers you something for free, they do not really owe you anything, you are not entitled to that service.
I priced it out recently and protonmail is more expensive than paying for Google business email and extra space. I thought about switching but I can’t think of a way it will significantly make my life better. I’d rather pay some money so hopefully I’m not the product anymore.
Yep I have a scheduled task that uploads terabytes worth of empty/noise videos up on to YouTube to take up their hosting space as a final hurrah/middle finger to those corporate fat cats/silicon valley pundits.
I like to think of them as retirement homes. Boomers retired on Facebook. The next gen of boomers will now retire on Reddit. I hope I never retire anywhere I want to try all the new things forever :(
All of these platforms are still used by many. As a someone who left Reddit for Lemmy I gotta say a lot of these people have a heavy dose of copium saying Reddit is dead just because they’d like it to be.
These platflorms are all declining. Facebook has been for years. This path leads to certain death. There is no way for them to recover from their past mistakes. So it’s equivalent to being already dead for me
When I think of it as dead I think of it the same way as Facebook. Sure it’s still there but the vibe is thoroughly dead. They’re where people get comfy and retire to stay stuck in their ways while others move on to greener pastures.
You are not logged in. However you can subscribe from another Fediverse account, for example Lemmy or Mastodon. To do this, paste the following into the search field of your instance: [email protected]
Be civil and nice.
Try not to excessively repost, as a rule of thumb, wait at least 2 months to do it if you have to.
You people are delusional. You are living in a fantasy.
Yeah, I kinda agree. I like the niche, albiet small, community these decentralized platforms offer. TBH, I love the trade of brands not pointing their content firehoses in our direction. While I love the idea of more people using lemmy, for example, I worry about the inflection pointe where that changes and this place gets ruined.
High five for those into fantasy!!
I agree. I think it’s just good that with all this shitstorm, a lot of the good users migrated to the Lemmy.
We don’t need 100% of the Reddit population here, if we just get like 10-20% we will have potential to become the long gone golden age of Reddit.
The shitshow reddit has become now , I believe most will be looking for an alternative !
Exactly. The users who have moved here are disproportionately commenters, power posters, and moderators from reddit. I was a top 1% poster on reddit, lots of OC, but I’ve essentially stopped participating there. I occasionally comment, but I don’t make posts on reddit anymore. If a significant fraction of power posters (and not just the reposters) and moderators migrate to lemmy, lemmy will have disproportionately good content, while the reddit experience will degrade further into reposts and poor moderation. I think lemmy already has disproportionately good posts and engagement, just still pretty small at the moment.
In theory I agree, but we need to get past the anti-Reddit circlejerk fast.
people often forget that reddit initially achieved network effect because a small number of high quality users left digg for being too captured by corporate interests. the rest took 10 years to play out, but inevitably when the mainstream follows these initial users, the platform dies and it is time for another migration. I think we’ve been ready for a while.
Nah, the bloodstains on the floor are from the reaper’s scythe cutting them in their big toe.
The red trail is just the magic leftover after turning them into shit
Facebook is nowhere dead. Everyone I meet wants to chat via Messenger, small firms here don’t bother creating a website anymore, they create a facebook page (’ cause everyone’s there) and local/company communities use facebook groups to talk. Not to mention event hosts, they create fb events. If you are interested in topics that are liked globally, the fediverse is getting better. But if you are looking for a local community, you’ll rarely find any. The lemmy page of my country is basically dead, the sub however is thriving.
me when peertube exists
YouTube might be the biggest challenge yet given the extraordinary amount of storage needed to recreate it.
Peertube works well so far, I use this instance which specialises in hosting music creative stuff
I’m not sure what it takes but TILVids doesn’t seem to have a problem loading videos…
You might not get 4k but is that really important?
TILVids has orders of magnitude less usage than YouTube, both in terms of storage and bandwidth.
Generally speaking you can expect to hit one bottleneck or another whenever you grow one order of magnitude, and fixing these becomes harder each time.
You’re not wrong but again, does that really matter? I can watch videos and they look just as good to my eye as they do on YT.
That depends on what you want. Folks where talking about a YouTube replacement. If TILVids is that for you right now and you don’t expect more content there then it’s all good.
Someone needs to invent middle-out compression and install it on a network of smart fridges
Couldn’t get past the third season of that show. Got too repetitive. Is it worth finishing?
Not worth watching past season 4, imo. Season 2 is the peak season, if you ask me.
Every season just felt like a repeat of season 1 IMO.
What show?
Silicon Valley
Not sure, I have almost finished S05 and still find it hilarious. Have to watch more to form a final opinion
I wonder if IPFS could have a part in this? We’ll find a solution.
IPFS has been very slow in my experience. Wonder if that could be improved.
I think the more peers there are the faster it is.
Yeah I think most people thinking we can just replace YouTube do not understand the scale of their operation. What YouTube does is many many orders of magnitude bigger and more complex than anything happening on the fediverse. PeerTube is a joke by comparison. There is a reason that even when VC money was flowing like crazy, nobody was able to even think about launching a competitor.
On top of that, no platform can seek to replace YouTube without offering the same or better creator compensation. Free services will never meet that.
Yeah, this is the one I don’t see happening.
Look at Twitch. Microsoft, Facebook, and (somewhat) Google have attempted to dethrone them and they’ve all failed. Things like Rumble and Kick are still going, and Kick may have a slight chance.
But that’s a much smaller platform, that everyone agrees is absolute garbage and trying to kill itself at every turn. YouTube would be a much bigger challenge.
Where does the storage for torrents come from?
Torrents are peer to peer. The storage comes exclusively from seeders. If nobody is seeding a torrent, and nobody has the data, it is dead and the data no longer exists.
This, also all (well, many) of the creators do it to make money.
Its also getting the content creators onto the new platform. Thats a bigger challenge I think, without creators it’s a dead site really, and making videos is significantly more difficult than image or text posting.
For storage, if we assume the format would be WebM at 1080p, 60fps and 20 minutes in length, it turns out to about 1GB. Even a cheap VPS instance usually offer 50GB of storage (with not too expensive storage upgrades).
So if its distributed evenly, we can host a good bit of videos (nothing compared to YouTube though).
Convincing content creators to upload their videos to multiple platforms will be easy, as will uploading their old work
You just end up with a chicken and egg situation with viewers and creators.
Its nearly impossible to replicate what YouTube it is today. The amount of storage and bandwith require is immense, also the creators coming up to a new platform without a way to get money it will really hard to have something like YouTube.
Why would we want to? People want to replace Youtube because Youtube sucks ass. Replacing it with another monetized platform will only ever lead to the same place Youtube is at now.
It sucks that people who managed to make a living from their hobby have gotten fucked over, but until we have some major regulatory and economic overhauls, that’s just how it works. Changing platforms is not a solution to that.
Because what’s the point otherwise. Let’s just make a YouTube without videos. That will surely work.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I would guess that the majority of YouTube videos are at 30fps, right? I only want 60fps for gaming/sports clips
Yeah the majority are 30 I think
Let’s not forget that there’s money to be earned by being a youtube person. Creating a model that would make this possible in a federated approach would be bonkers as hell and probably just invite predatory dipshits who then lure creators with seemingly good offers and then start to hold them hostage in ways YouTube hasn’t dared so far.
Like Smosh?
Young up and coomers, first giants on YouTube. Sold their channel and brand for stock. Then were tied to the company for years who worked them like dogs. Until the company that bought them went bankrupt so their stock was nullified and they in the end sold their company for $0.
I wouldn’t say YouTube was free from it
I don’t think that word means what you think it means
It was intentional
Most professional YouTubers survive primarily off of Patreon support and sponsored videos. YouTube ads provide only a small fraction of what they earn. If they could increase their Patreon or sponsorship income by cross-posting to PeerTube, then they could be enticed to do so. The current issue there is that sponsors are going to want accurate analytics, and PeerTube isn’t going to be able to offer the kind of depth of audience analysis that YouTube can.
The problem is, the cost of hosting videos – both in terms of storage and in terms of bandwidth – is kind of prohibitive. That part needs to be solved.
good. i don’t want capitalist advertising bs on the internet anyway.
While I agree in spirit, what other option is there in a capitalist society? Paying a subscription fee for every single service or every single content creator? Not sure people are going to go for that en masse.
Ad reads and patreon
The reality is that most content creators will not switch platforms because it guarantees a significant loss of viewership. Ad reads won’t pay much if you’re only talking to a fraction of your audience.
I read 500 hours of content are uploaded to YouTube every minute. Obviously a lot of that is low quality, but we’re still talking a lot of content unless we’re suggesting the creators host it themselves (which could work for a small subset of folks if it were enough of a turnkey solution).
The fediverse doesn’t make money and it shouldn’t. YouTube is fine unless some other business makes a decent competitor.
In the case of a decentralized youtube, who would be responsible for the data storage?
Each instance, as with the rest of the fediverse. It already exists, btw. Look up Peertube if you’re curious.
Peertube is not a replacement for YouTube, per the official website.
Youtube as others noted isnt as evil as reddit or others, but peertube could be a good augmentation to youtube which stores loads of data. However Internet Archive stores alot of data as does Wikipedia don’t know how though. You could also pay per video, one cent per video no subscription just own what you buy. Or you could find way of compressing video data consumption files like is done with png and obsidian files. Or merge ads with content but with a marketplace anyone who wants to sale a product can post to specilized instants for sales and only those who want to buy would be subscribed to for profit instances.
I think ads need to be the way to go for a peer video sharing platform , maybe less intrusive ads but they need to be there , else it will be very hard for many creators to make money
I didn’t know about this, thanks for the heads up!! But, with this decentralized approach, if a peertube node “dies”, could those videos be saved in a different node? I guess one of my biggest concerns with the fediverse is that fragmenting the network might also lead to fragility of content
Nope. If there’s nobody to rip out physical storage and move it, it’s gone.
I like that.
Oof, that might be a solid roadblock limiting peertube/fediverse. Decentralization sounds great as a greediness deterrence system, but it also feels like lesser nodes will be more prone to stop maintenance over many years, making decentralize content more fragile than centralized. I wonder if a way to counterattack this is via enabling posts mirroring and content transfer among fediverse instances… 🤔
Otoh do we need perfect (or even good) persistence for the 36284th similar bbq tuto or some random-ass cat video?
I get that point! But imagine “ancient youtube history videos” like “chocolate rain” were hosted on an old and unstable peertube node. I would find it sad that a decentralized infrastructure erased old and historic eras of the internet. I’m not saying this just defeats the whole fediverse, I just find it a point of concern, I’m sure if it is really a problem the developers and community will find approaches to mitigate it!
(Btw, I’m not yet well informed about all the caveats/tradeoffs/unwritten rules of lemmy/mastodon/peertube when it comes to data storage, so maybe what I’m saying just doesn’t make sense at all, correct me if I’m wrong!!)
My bet is that if a video is famous it’s gonna get replicated. And if it doesn’t, well, it will join the unending list of lost medias.
Anyway we just can’t archive anything anyone produces forever.
So if every instance helps stream videos to a single client via a torrent protocol, that still means every instance needs to individually store all videos for all the servers it federates with. Sounds like it solves bandwidth as an issue but storage is still absolutely a problem.
I frankly don’t see a way for federated video to happen unless uploads are severely limited or it’s paywalled. Even with YouTube’s wild compression, you’re looking at several gigs for a single 4k video.
Honestly the fact that YouTube exists is a miracle. Video is still just monstrously large.
I wonder when they’ll have to start deleting content to make space again. At some point, adding more and more servers probably won’t be feasible anymore.
It really is just wild that a service like YouTube is as big as it is and just does its thing.
Currently data storage is dirt cheap because globalised mass production of electronics is a wild thing.
As soon as we get past our current peak everything production at least on copper, rare metals, and petrol (there’s more, I’m just not knowledgeable enough) and we start to have to ration things a bit high res video streaming will be one of the first things to go.
And then comes the question, what will they delete first?
Probably old and therefore maybe irrelevant content, but those old videos from over a decade ago are also mostly lower resolution and bitrate and won’t free up as much space.
So once that’s exhausted, what goes next?
Who will have the privilege to stay on the platform, and who won’t? Or in other words, who makes YouTube the most money?
And once that has to be decided, content will be whatever YouTube wants it to be. Which I can’t imagine being a good thing.
My guess would be deleting higher res versions of less watched videos and unwatched videos alltogether.
Anyway archiving everything everyone does is - imho - a fool’s errand.
It’s simple: don’t do 4K. It’s absolutely unneeded.
I’ve never seen any big media content that actually benefits from more than 720p. Among other things, for watching comfortably on laptops. Heck, for most communication / reaction videos, 540p / 480p is more than enough (in those cases the audio is actually more important than the visuals).
Have you considered seeing an optometrist instead?
Cannot agree more with this , most screens those are used at homes are good to go with 720p , or at least i fail to see a difference !
I watch a lot of music videos though so I love 4k. Don’t know why you’re getting down voted though. What you said is true. I don’t need to watch a talk stream vod in 4k
Thanks. And it’s understandable, I’m guessing most of the people downvoting are the ones who are trying to defend their sunk cost after having bought into a solution without a problem.
That said, there do are valid use cases for stuff like 1080p or 4K (or for, say, >= 120 fps). I just don’t think modern “big corp” media, or TV shows, are good examples of it. Like, honestly, what do you want to watch Avengers: Endgame in 4K for? To salivate at the warts on The Hulk’s groin?
You’re right on that too. Those movies actually look worse in 4k because low resolutions hide the bad CGI.
I have a large collection of 4k blurays for my favorite movies though. Like Blade Runner 2049 and Dune look fantastic. But not every movie deserves the hard disk space.
And still, do you need a 4K video stream for a music video?
I understand wanting higher res audio (which still amounts to minuscule amounts of bandwith compared to the video stream) but I don’t get how image quality is important in this setting.
Depends on the music video. A lot of them look great in 4k.
But they still look great in 1080p or even 720p (audio still excluded) don’t they?
Not on my TV. The 1080p on YouTube also loses a lot of color data which is pretty noticeable on OLED. On my phone though yeah even 720p is fine.
Yeah maybe I’m not very competent on that with my 7yo cheap phone and 1080p LCD screen (free from someone who wanted to trash it) ^^’
I was actually thinking about what it would take to have a truly peer to peer video site. Have clients simultaneously consume, serve and transcode content. It would obviously be concentrated in the hands of big enthusiasts and small video companies, but presumably it would be similar to the fediverse where you can choose from many instances.
problem, the way I see it, is that there are wayyyyy more devices that cannot transcode and do not have the storage to maintain a cache, than ones that do. And the ones that can do so for a large number of clients are expensive to run. Much more expensive than stuff like lemmy. It’d be hard to form that kind of ecosystem.
I hadn’t dealt with video in years (like 2008) and recently used my Canon R6 to record a few seconds of 4k footage.
After getting over being annoyed at the camera stopping due to overheating after just 5 minutes, I was shocked to see a 7 second clip come to almost 700mb as a raw file.
Indeed video will probably be the last kind of network to see federation. It could take some pretty generous acts of philanthropy along the way to make anything sustainable happen.
I mean, that’s an extreme example. That’s way above what on even a 4K BR disc.
I think Netflix is like 6GB for a two hour movie 1080p which is more manageable, but my connection (at a whopping 6Mbps upload) would just about be able to host that for one other person to see.
Modern connections can do a lot, but it would have to be a large peer to peer solution to be back in the hands of the masses. A couple of Linux nerds with a spare server under their desk isn’t going to cut it. Realistically, popular videos would have to be on a CDN of some sort, and that ain’t particularly cheap at scale.
Freedom isn’t free, as the song goes.
I’d happily pay for a federated video service tbh. I already pay for YouTube. I didn’t even blink when they raised the price on me because I get so much value out of it
Yeah I did a music video in 4k on an A7s2 and the source files, for what ended up as a 4 minute video, were around 100GB.
100 GB ? that’s cute. I work in a film production company for advertisements, where the recent trend has been for the crew to return after 3-5 days of shooting, with RAIDs filled with somewhere between 15 and 25 TB of raw data. no fun to store all this.
Wait holy fuck I missed the “T”. 25 TB for a commercial is wild
Well yeah it was a single music video
Is size really the issue though? I can torrent more than I can store on my hard drives.
Seems like you could build a video streaming service on that. (Actually I think some people already did this.)
Well that’s exactly what peertube does to distribute the load of serving the videos
Yeah it is an issue. I archive my 4k blurays and they chew through my hard drive space far faster than I can get new hard drives
Well, time to switch to watching Nebula?
I can’t see how it will work for small-time creators though. Or for people who just want to show a video online.
I love nebula too. They’re definitely what I imagine federated video would be though. Restricted uploads, and paid. Nothing wrong with that though, video is expensive.
Well, one question is how it’d be paid for. You can’t really have a federated payment provider, can you?
So would you have to pay for each separate server somehow, gathering them up like streaming service subscriptions?
Someone smarter than me will need to figure that out. I’m a lowly software engineer, not a computer scientist.
Hey, doesn’t mean you can’t aspire to be a systems architect :D
You know, make enough decisions that weren’t perfect in the long term and you’ll learn something! …totally not speaking from experience, no.
thats what I thought too - until I actually signed up for Nebula. It took me a week to exhaust every creator I wanted to watch.
No regrets because I do enjoy the content, but their catalogue is absolutely tiny compare to youtube.
Yeah, I was being a little tounge-in-cheek there.
What replaced Facebook?
Try WireMin, someone recommended it from another post. Its a decentralized version of FB, people described it as combination of Mastodon + Session.
Decentralized network, So no central server to collect user data, and they can’t implement any restriction rules, so 0 banning and censorship
“Free speech: no cancelling”
Doesnt seem appealing to me…
I know there’s nothing wrong with those things, but the kind of people using the word “cancelling” and “free speech” are the kinds I try not to associate with
I dont see any source code, so I wouldn’t trust it, especially with the fact that you already mentioned two alternatives that are open source, that will fill the gap.
Not being open source is pretty damaging to their user acquisition, I guess. Well it did not ask for my personal info when creating an account, so I trusted it at first.
For now I use both Mastodon and Session, and still kept WireMin on my phone because it combines them both. I look forward to the day when they finally publish their source code.
It’s not open source, indeed. But I noticed that the users on WireMin are all very concerned about protecting their privacy. For example there’s one community created by one anonymous user: The Gray Papers- Take back your data.
I thought it was instagram
Not using Facebook.
this sums it up pretty well, why yt dying is probably different than fb and twtr and reddit dying
Here is an alternative Piped link(s):
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.
Twitter - mastodon
Reddit - lemmy
What for facebook?
No money to make on the fediverse => no (expensive to create) content.
Exactly. Youtube is there to stay, i think. I dont have many issues with it as well tbh. I pay for our family account and its just an amazing experience, no need for Spotify with YT Music as well. Creators earn more with premium too - the service is just working for me.
One could debate about hosting costs and revenue split and content policies, but in principle, i have no qualms with Youtube.
Honestly the only subscription I don’t mind paying for. You can’t beat ad free YouTube videos.
Yeah definitely but why pay for that?
You can also seamlessly download videos on all of your devices, on top of their own music streaming service.
I’m sure you can get all of it for free somehow, but there’s a point in life that convenience is more important. Also, the family plan is dirt cheap if you consider all you get.
uBlock Origin + SponsorBlock
Yeah paid YT is probably the last media subscription to go, especially with YT Music. Hours and hours of watch time probably number one thing watched by the whole family. The only problem I usually have with YT is getting “boxed in” to content, like it thinks I only like watching channel X now because I watched a video. Sometimes the entire feed is like 2 or 3 channels and it’s harder to discover something new.
(One interesting thing, if you create your own YT channels each channel has a fresh watch history and sometimes you can then build up a different set of videos on the other channels)
YouTube probably isn’t worried about open source competition, but Twitch could be a real competitor. Twitch already captured a large chunk of gaming, especially the live streams.
Twitch could have massively ate into YouTube if they wanted, but they must have decided it wasn’t worth the cost to host videos.
Twitch would need a lot of work to make videos more first class citizens, that is probably more the reason than storage costs. They have Amazon backing them now with basically unlimited storage potential.
I think you can replace all social media with a decentralized version, except YouTube. Reason is cost and monetization.
They explicitly say in their description they’re not a replacement for YouTube.
Which description? That Wikipedia article says “The aim is to provide an alternative to centralized platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.”
From their website. It’s a very different system, and also not funded by advertisers, which means someone else has to pay the bills.
They’re saying they’re not a replacement because it’s a decentralized alternative to something centralized. Not because it can’t serve the same needs for technical or economic reasons.
Yep people don’t realize the cost of running YouTube, and why all the creators are there.
Cause they share that cost, and have the most eyeballs. Far and away.
Unfortunately, but we can still try. Any competition in that space is good.
Even if YouTube is questionable on privacy-YouTube have more of a product unlike social media where you are the product
with youtube, youre still the product, but at least you get something from it
I feel like it’s still crazy that YouTube share their ad revenue with their content creators. Granted it’s not much but not even tiktok, Instagram nor twitch does that.
less would upload otherwise
As well as content creators
It’s like replacing Amazon for online shopping. Even a coalition of every competitor couldn’t touch YouTube.
It’s probably easier to replace Amazon than YouTube. Free streaming services don’t make money, YouTube loses money, Twitch loses money, Kick loses money, the Microsoft one before it died was losing money. If it’s free to watch it loses money, and these are companies that do a ton of work to try and make it not lose money, and it just doesn’t work.
You don’t need to replace Amazon in it’s entirety. You just need to shop from different places selling only a particular category (clothes, books, computer hardware, pet supplies etc) or straight from brand’s shop. At least that’s what I’ve been doing. Also haven’t renewed my prime subscription for last 2 years.
All the power to those that like Amazon but I have never bought anything from Amazon and never will. I always look up the cheapest option (that is trustworthy) which Amazon never is. Plus I don’t like their business model just like I don’t like media mark (they killed of many stores by selling for huge losses for years). we want competition so we want as many stores as possible, we also want experts, so I rather go to a store that sells x type of products not x, y, z and also b like Amazon do.
Also big stores like Amazon only makes sense in the physical form, jumping between stores online isn’t physical draining.
I literally have like 1TB of video stored on YouTube and privatized. Google is making $0 from my videos, but they still have to store them and have them available if I want to watch it (it’s all of my Twitch VODs). Meanwhile websites like Streamable perma-delete my 5MB video after it gets 0 views in 2 milliseconds.
YouTube is a behemoth that will not be replaced.
I mean you’re right that YouTube isn’t going anywhere, but they’re going to either delete that data or start charging you for it at some point
The university I work for just got hit with this. We used to give our alums free Google services (including unlimited storage) because that’s what was in our contract. Well Google changed their minds and now we have to pay out the ass for that space, so we’re just dropping google instead (which is ultimately what they wanted tbh). Our users are fucking livid too saying like “I had 15 terabytes of shit on there!”. Well, sorry! That shit costs money.
I’m shocked they haven’t already. A good 95% of YouTube could be deleted and no one would notice, and would save Google millions and millions of dollars.
They are starting to delete the data associated to Google accounts that have not signed in in several years. This includes their YouTube videos. I have started downloading the videos from creators that have passed that I still wish to watch.
That’s interesting. My girlfriends old cat videos from over a decade ago are still there. She hasn’t logged into the account for years and years.
What happens to videos of people who are no longer alive? Does Google expect a channel to be maintained in perpetuity?
I dread the day TotalBiscuit is but a memory (RIP)
If they did that, I wouldn’t be able to find a fix for the fuel line getting kinked in my BG86 leaf blower. You know that video with 48 views that exactly solves the problem I am having? Same applies across basically every niche device or mechanical issue and is one of the primary reasons I find myself on youtube.
Fair point! However, your argument is almost more reason for Google to do it.
You find yourself on YouTube for those niche videos, which means you’re the kind of customer YouTube would benefit from getting rid of. A few dozen views from you per year to find niche videos, is not paying them anything, and is wasting a ton of storage. They want people who spend hours upon hours on YouTube per day, essentially replacing TV. Those who spend hours and hours on YouTube, are also generally watching popular videos, or videos that YouTube is recommending, which means a ton of ad views, or even YouTube Premium subscriptions.
I would absolutely be crushed if YouTube deleted all those random niche videos because I just used one last week to fix my car. Some random ass video showing a potential ground wire issue. I am not saying I want Google to do it, I don’t, but I am definitely shocked they aren’t.
Don’t fall into the trap of feeling sympathy for the likes of google.
I pay for premium because I rely on those videos way more than I’m comfortable with.
Finding how to fix a screen issue in my niche 2014 laptop in 2022 was a wild experience.
Sometimes i feel bad for YouTube. Video hosting is the worst of both worlds (heaviest storage and highest bandwidth) and there’s a LOT of video on YouTube, most of it worthless.
and they keep the original file as well as their converted file. So every video you upload is stored at least twice. Technically more, because popular videos are stored on multiple servers to ensure fast load times no matter where you live. It’s crazy. I would love to see a behind the scenes your of YouTube, and a live stat counter page. It would seem fake.
Alphabet is still making money off of you.
Someone mentioned youtube was sending notices to people with private videos, about removing them or making public
I wouldn’t count on that and I’d definitely recommend backups. I had a channel full of videos just disappear and I never found out what happened. I just went to check something one day and it was gone. The videos are all gone. Nobody could help I eventually just had to suck it up. From what I read at the time it happens here and there but not to people big enough for there to ever be a stink about it. Someone said it happens if you don’t log on for long enough but I logged in every few months at least for various reasons so I dunno.
Oh I don’t. I just move them there because Twitch deletes them after a few days. I don’t care about them, it’s just an easy 1 click button to save them on YouTube.
In fact I stopped relying on Google services when they banned the Terraria developers Google account and the only way he got it back was by canceling the Stadia release of Terraria.
Since that day, I switched to ProtonMail with a custom domain,, proton calendar, and more.
Realized that unless I have to power to potentially cost Google millions of dollars, Google won’t even look my way.
That’s right. You are simply in better hands if you actually pay for a service. If google offers you something for free, they do not really owe you anything, you are not entitled to that service.
I priced it out recently and protonmail is more expensive than paying for Google business email and extra space. I thought about switching but I can’t think of a way it will significantly make my life better. I’d rather pay some money so hopefully I’m not the product anymore.
Yep I have a scheduled task that uploads terabytes worth of empty/noise videos up on to YouTube to take up their hosting space as a final hurrah/middle finger to those corporate fat cats/silicon valley pundits.
Sooo… Facebook is dead? But it isn’t?
Yeah. Reddit too. How much did their daily visits drop again?
The “dead” platforms still exist it just that they’ve undergone unacceptable amounts of corporate enshitification.
I like to think of them as retirement homes. Boomers retired on Facebook. The next gen of boomers will now retire on Reddit. I hope I never retire anywhere I want to try all the new things forever :(
All of these platforms are still used by many. As a someone who left Reddit for Lemmy I gotta say a lot of these people have a heavy dose of copium saying Reddit is dead just because they’d like it to be.
Well it’s dead to me, OK‽
A wild interrobang!
These platflorms are all declining. Facebook has been for years. This path leads to certain death. There is no way for them to recover from their past mistakes. So it’s equivalent to being already dead for me
When I think of it as dead I think of it the same way as Facebook. Sure it’s still there but the vibe is thoroughly dead. They’re where people get comfy and retire to stay stuck in their ways while others move on to greener pastures.
Yes I pop in every now and then and reddit still has tons of activity. The communities I follow here are way more active on reddit still.
I thought it meant from being good then killed by greed and/or stupidity
None of these websites are dead, and youtube isn’t going anywhere. You can’t just host Zetabytes of video data on a home server.
…Not with that attitude.
Just call up Linustechtips and ask to collab on a zetabyte project. Probably get the storage drives for free, right?
I made a meme for you
EDIT: fixed layout.
I bought a 3 ZB drive from wish com. It’s going pretty good, I’m during the only copy of my entire family’s home videos and pictures on it.
I hope that’s a joke
Instagram is very much dead but can we make it official?
They have over a billion monthly users, so I’m not sure they’re dead. Unless you were being sarcastic.
But… You reminded me I’ve been wanting to look into using PixelFed.
Does it have a native app?
They all appear to be in development, but yes.